Archbishop Most Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras Celebrated the Holy Mass for the Altar Servers of Infant Jesus Shine

18 February 2018: The Archdiocesan Commission for Vocation and Formation of Altar servers organized a meeting for the Altar Servers of Infant Jesus Parish with His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras on 18 February 2018. The meeting began with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 7 am with the parish community. Fr. Christopher Vimalraj, Secretary of the Vocation Commission and Formation of Altar Servers; Fr. Joseph Menezes, Rector cum Parish Priest, and the Parish Clergy joined in concelebrating the Eucharist. Seventy-five altar servers were vested and seated in the front rows of Infant Jesus Church.

The Archbishop in his Homily invited the faithful and the Altar Servers to recognize the fact that our human wants and desires are temporary. He re-echoed the words used on Ash Wednesday that ‘You are from dust and to dust you shall return.’ As human beings, we tend to seek worldly possessions and wealth. But let us not forget that we are to return back to the dust from which we were made. The forty long days fast of Jesus Christ invites each one of us to recognize to fast from our anger, selfishness, and an unforgiving spirit. He urged the faithful to become more spiritual and come closer to Jesus Christ through prayers and works of charity especially during this season of Lent. He appreciated the Altar servers for their zeal and commitment to serve the Lord at the sanctuary. He also requested the parents to encourage their children to become altar servers and to foster vocation to the priesthood and religious life.

At the end of the Holy Mass Archbishop was felicitated and honored by the Parish Clergy and the Pastoral Council for his Sacerdotal Golden Jubilee. Our Beloved Archbishop then had breakfast with all the altar servers. In his address to the altar servers, he recalled his days of being an altar server himself and shared with the altar servers the memories he cherished which helped to follow Christ more closely as a Priest and now as an Archbishop. He encouraged them to study well and to follow Christ faithfully. He also encouraged them to pray for the gift of vocation to be priests and religious sisters.

Fr. Christopher Vimalraj, Secretary for the vocation commission thanked the Archbishop for his encouragement, generosity, love and his presence this morning in spite of his busy schedule. He told the altar servers how fortunate they were to be invited to breakfast with the chief shepherd of the Archdiocese. He also informed that the Archdiocese will soon establish the Altar Servers Association and enroll all the altar servers to the association and that they would be given a medal by the Archbishop. Furthermore, this summer all the Altar Servers are invited to the altar servers summer camp Sannidhi.