2. St Martha’s College of Nursing (Estd 1933),
St Martha’s Hospital, Nrupathunga Road, Bengaluru 560 001, Tel: 40128213, 40128239, 40128265, 22293956, 22293669, Mob: 9448988675, E-mail: smhcon@airtelmail.in, Principal: Sr Deepa, rgs, Students: 494, Catholics: 310, Staff: 35, Catholics: 19
3. St Philomena’s College of Nursing,
St. Philomena’s Hospital, No. 4, Campbell Road, Viveknagara P.O., Bengaluru 560 047, Tel: 25575705, Mob: 9483327719, E-mail: stphilomenascon@yahoo.com, Principal: Sr Martha Thirumal Reddy, jmj, Students: 339, Catholics: 250, Staff: 50, Catholics:15